The Village is interested in hearing concerns and suggestions from our residents and businesses. Resident input on community issues is truly valued and appreciated. Individuals may address members of the Village Board at official meetings, public hearings, or at any other time via telephone, email, or written communication. Below are the appropriate steps that must be taken by individuals who want to address the Village Officials.
The Illinois Open Meetings Act sets forth the rules and regulations for public meetings of governmental bodies across the state of Illinois. The policy behind this act is that, “…the people have a right to be informed as to the conduct of...,” local and state government. Open deliberation and action are cornerstones of the Open Meetings Act requirements, along with good faith efforts to ensure convenient access to meetings for all members of the public.
The Illinois Open Meetings Act prohibits more than two Village of Thomasboro Board Members to convene for the purposes of discussing or acting on government related business without appropriate public notice, access, and official record keeping. However, the law does allow for specific exemptions. In those instances, the Board will hold an Executive Session.
The regular Board Meetings of the Village of Thomasboro Board are held on the first Monday of each month at 7:00 pm at Village Hall. Any regular meeting that falls on a holiday is held at the same time and place on the following Monday. The purpose of the meeting is to take action on various issues pertaining to the Village.
Public Comment is permitted at all Village Board Meetings, assuming the following guidelines have been appropriately followed:
The purpose of a Public Hearing is to seek formal input as required by Ordinance or Statute or as deemed appropriate by the Mayor (or his/her designee).
The Mayor (or his/her designee) will call the Public Hearing to order, and announce the topic. During the Public Hearing, the Mayor (or his/her designee) will ask if members of the audience wish to address the Village Board regarding the issue under consideration. After being recognized, individuals should clearly state their name and comments. The same time limits that apply to Village Board Meetings apply to Public Hearings. The Mayor (or his/her designee) reserves the right to suspend these rules in order to provide more public comment, as deemed appropriate.
On occasion, the Village Board will hold a special study session to discuss the annual budget, significant projects, legislation, or community issues. No formal action is taken in a study session; however, if a member of the public wishes to speak he/she should follow the same procedures outlined under the Village Board Meetings section.
Executive Sessions are closed meetings that allow the Village Board to discuss certain matters of sensitive nature. The Illinois Open Meetings Act specifies the type of topics that may be discussed in these sessions. Some examples include personnel matters, land acquisitions, and pending litigation. After the Village Board has determined that it is no longer necessary to protect the public interest or the privacy of an individual, minutes of closed meetings are made available to the public.
The Mayor (or his/her designee) has the right to create and enforce reasonable rules to preserve the order and decorum of public meetings. This includes, but is not limited to, prohibitions of applause, cheering, booing, shouting, use of profanity, etc. Persons who violate these rules or otherwise disrupt order or decorum may be removed.
The public is encouraged to communicate their questions, concerns, and suggestions to the Village Board at any time that may be convenient. Contact information for the Mayor, Board, and Village Officials are available here. Residents may also communicate in writing.
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